AWNING INFO - About Awnings - About Awnings

DIY Awnings - Make Your Own 4x4 Awning

DIY Awnings - Make Your Own 4x4 Awning

29 Aug '13

There’s no shortage of awnings on the market if you’re looking for one. They’re available in a wide range of sizes and quite a few styles, so for most of us there’s a model that fits just what we’re looking for. Is buying one the only option though? Is it possible to make one yourself? Yes it is, and it’s not even all that difficult.

More about DIY Awnings - Make Your Own 4x4 Awning

Awning Fabrics

Awning Fabrics

28 Aug '13

When you buy an awning you need to look at how it will mount on your vehicle, how easy it is to use and the way the frame is constructed. In among all this it’s easy to forget what the awning is all about – holding a sheet of fabric above the space beside your vehicle so you have some shelter from the elements. A mistake some people make is get so caught up in other things that when it comes to the fabric itself they basically think “Well, cloth” and leave it at that. This is a mistake, because it’s that cloth that will be doing the job for you, and you need to get it right.

More about Awning Fabrics

Mounting an Awning to Your Vehicle

Mounting an Awning to Your Vehicle

28 Aug '13

If you like being outdoors an awning is a great accessory for your vehicle. It keep you out of the sun when you stop for a break, shelters you from the rain and makes a great place to sleep, especially if you add a mozzie net or tent. It isn’t something you can just throw in the back when you’re packing though. It has to be securely installed on your vehicle, and that needs a bit of planning and some work.

More about Mounting an Awning to Your Vehicle

Awning Fabric Waterproof Rating - What Does It Mean?

Awning Fabric Waterproof Rating - What Does It Mean?

28 Aug '13

When you fit an awning to your vehicle you expect it to be able to keep the rain off, and obviously that means it has to be waterproof. What does “waterproof” really mean though? The fact is nothing is completely waterproof – force water against it hard enough and it’ll get through. That’s why when you watch films about submarines you’ll notice the big dial has a red bit.

More about Awning Fabric Waterproof Rating - What Does It Mean?

4x4 Awning Construction

4x4 Awning Construction

26 Aug '13

One of the first things you want to know before buying an awning is how well it’s going to stand up to regular outdoor use. That really depends on two things. The first is the materials it’s made from, and that’s easy to find out from reading the manufacturer’s specs. The second isn’t so easy to work out though, and that’s the methods and quality of the construction. It doesn’t matter how good the fabric and tubing are if it’s badly stitched or held together with flimsy joints.

More about 4x4 Awning Construction